About creativeHappiness

creativeHappiness exists to foster the appreciation for creative expressions in today’s society where creativity is equally important as literacy.
The Fountain of Happiness through love, language and creationVision – creativeHappiness exists to foster the appreciation for creative expressions in today’s society. The organisation’s mission is to spread the profound message that Creativity is equally important as Literacy. We pledge to take literary, poetry and writing to a level easily reachable to masses; thus transforming this universe a connected, creative and happy community.
If you have literary bent of mind, If you are a book lover, If you want to become a writer, if you find beauty in poetry, if you are an avid reader then creativeHappiness is your hub to nurture your interest and develop your innate potential to blossom and give you creative wings to fly , to fulfil your dream and experience happiness.

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